The End
The breeze; a whiff; a scent
Winds its way around your daydream.
Snapshots, illusions,
Of remembered past
Imagined future -- lost.
Your soft stolen sleep-shirt
Suppler now, upon return
Embedded with her skin
Handled with care
Fear at crushing
Fibers of memory and hope.
But so carefully,
Neglecting foundation.
And so, ash disintegrated
Into the wind.
Apple shampoo
Clings to the collar
Crushed shirt slipping like sand
Through cupped hands
You could have known scent and
How perfume faded
In the crook of her neck
Lingering warm for days
Could have seen color
Chip off, know the
Unwilling nail nibbling.
Could know that midnight conversation
Overcomes her need for sleep
Inhale, face buried in fabric memories
Haze, aroma is all that you’ve abandoned.
You gave it up, regretfully rejected
You will never know.
You’ve left the mysteries
For someone else to uncover.
All you have
Is your t-shirt--no longer,
Woven with memory,
And lost possibility.
smashed word broken
open vow or
the oath cracked length
wise - let it go it
was sworn to
truthful liars and
the false fair friends
and the boths and
neithers - you must let them go they
were born
to go
big small middling
tall bigger really
the biggest and all
things - let all go
so comes love
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